What I learned from "The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck"
Consider it a review from the POV of a new reader, because it is, this is literally the first book I have ever read (that I read without anyone else telling me at least), but it's just my opinion and what I feel like I took away from the book, and if you have not read it, maybe you can find some inspiration here to pick it up and give it a try. Firstly, Mark's writing style is raw, unfiltered and conversational, reading it felt like I was having a conversation with a friend sitting on a couch and he was telling me stories from his life, this style intrigued me and kept me engaged in the book. The major point the book conveys is that, we worry too much about things that have a minor impact on our lives, if we choose not to "give a fuck" about them, it really won't make anything go wrong and we'd be able to have a much relaxed mind. Although it doesn't mean that you ought to be indifferent about everything, Mark insists that people should "give a fuck...